Our Programs

Repair. Revitalize. Rebuild
Rebuilding Together Sandoval County provides health and safety focused critical home repairs and disability modifications to low-income seniors, veterans and families in Sandoval County New Mexico.
Our Safe and Healthy Housing program is the foundation of our home repair and modification work.
​Rebuilding Together Sandoval County is the only New Mexico Affiliate of the national Rebuilding Together Organization. Rebuilding Together seeks to advance health equity in our community by improving health and housing outcomes for our neighbors in need in economically distressed communities. Rebuilding Together developed a set of 360 specs for common repairs based on the Eight Principles of Healthy Homes. This includes a 25-point framework that targets significant health and safety hazards in homes.
Our 25 Health and Safety Priorities provide a common framework for each Rebuilding Together affiliate to complete comprehensive in-home assessments and set repair objectives based on each homeowner’s special needs and health status. Each home has varying degrees of need and some projects may only address a single priority, such as installing a ramp, or several items, such as roof repair, energy efficiency upgrades, and grab bars. This framework also provides a means for Rebuilding Together affiliates to track and report the results of its repairs, helping us to set clear expectations with our clients and provide a platform for further partnership and collaboration to meet unmet needs.
Critical Repair Program
​The RTSC Critical Repair Program addresses structural, mechanical, or electrical conditions in the home that pose a significant health or safety risk to the residents or threaten the integrity of the building. Critical repairs include restoring any systems that are needed to perform basic functions in the home.
Examples include the following;
Repairing or replacing inoperable heating/cooling systems,
Repairing or replacing faulty or inoperable water heaters,
Plumbing repairs to address lack of cold/hot water,
Electrical repairs to address lack of power or repair of hazardous electrical conditions,
Repairing or replacing leaking roofs that are causing damage to the structure or interior of the home,
Repairing or replacing other principal systems or components of the home that are severely deteriorated or failing.
Disability Modifications Program
​The RTSC Disability Modifications Program will make home modifications or repairs to promote safety and mobility for persons who have been medically diagnosed with a disability. Examples include the following;
Design and construction of wheelchair ramps,
Widening doorways to accommodate wheelchairs,
Converting bathtubs into walk-in showers,
Replacing standard toilets with disability height toilets, and
Installing handrails and safety bars.
Safe Housing for Low-Income Veterans
RTSC provides housing stability for low-income veterans by repairing deteriorating, unhealthy structures so they and their families may thrive in a safe and healthy home. RTSC typically completes one or more projects during National Rebuilding Month, in April of each year to serve veterans, as well as other repairs throughout the year. RTSC veteran home repairs and modifications have been featured in television and print media stories.
RTSC believes that repairing and preserving existing homes is a proactive approach to maintaining affordable housing and preventing homelessness for our veterans. It's important to note that in Sandoval County alone, 30.9% of all homeowners (over 15,000) live in inadequate housing with significant deficiencies (Housing Assistance Council Rural Data Portal). RTSC is committed to building a safer and healthier future for low-income veterans who cannot afford repairs independently.
[Re]Build Store
We know that our clients and neighbors need major home repairs to keep them safe in their homes. But we also know that they sometimes need clothes, blankets, home items, paint and painting supplies and many other items to keep their families and homes comfortable and secure. That's why we started the [Re]Build Store. We provide opportunities for donated items to be shared with our neighbors in need.
Our [Re]Build Store is located in the heart of Bernalillo across from Rotary Park. We lease an old school portable from the city at an extremely discounted rate, and it is entirely volunteer led. Every dollar we receive from the sale of your donation to our [Re]Build Store goes back into our rebuilding efforts, helping people stay in their own safe and comfortable homes. Many of our clients are on fixed and/or low incomes, so we keep our prices extremely reasonable.
Donating items from your home keeps your money working right here in our community and gives new life to your gently used donations.